Character component frequency in the Heart Sutra

29 components with 2 occurrences:
广 可 舟 皮 虫 𠂉 寺 灬 刀 皿 白 穴 廿 七 禾 刂 爫 耂 戌 曾 勹 𠫔 月 辶 扌 巾 兄 人 小
106 components with 1 occurrence:
林 手 右 必 巠 巛 雚 見 咅 产 生 亍 罙 㓁 昭 召 縕 𥁕 囚 比 亼 共 皀 卩 戠 复 夂 者 去 烕 火 后 爭 彐 亅 咸 攵 艮 畀 丌 千 殸 耳 声 未 角 蜀 介 ⺻ 歹 首 䒑 知 㝵 旦 戶 斤 是 垂 卄 士 衣 石 疑 龴 巩 凡 忄 布 袁 𧘇 离 㐫 禸 凵 乂 冂 眞 頁 到 至 九 圼 般 弗 弓 豸 兒 臼 礻 申 𥫗 ⺼ 余 貫 毌 貝 虍 业 ⺊ 兌 曷 曰 匃 帝 少

“Paradise and Amita Buddha with his forty-eight vows really do exist”, Sosan Taesa

So we can see from all of this that the teachings can freely use
seemingly different expedient means and expressions to point to the
same universal substance. Only the words themselves have a
different appearance and meaning, yet the point they communicate
is the same. For one whose insight is in accord with his actions, it is
possible to see through what is said to be “near” or “far.” This is why
our tradition can embrace both ways of practice: calling out to Amita
Buddha, like Hui-yuan, and looking directly into true nature, like

A good friend at the end of life

When such a foolish person is dying, he encounters a good teacher and gives him all kinds of comfort, in order to teach the wonderful Dharma and instruct him to recite the Buddha . The good friend said, “If you can’t recite that Buddha, you should be called the Buddha of Infinite Life.” With such a sincere heart, he keeps his voice incessant recitations , he is called Namo Amitabha. Because of the name of the Buddha, in the thought of it, the sin of birth and death for eight billion kalpas is removed.

The Korean Heart Sutra

摩 訶 般 若 波 羅 蜜 多 心 經
마 하 반 야 바 라 밀 다 심 경
ma ha ban ya ba ra mil ta shim gyong

觀 自 在 菩 薩 行 深 般 若
관 자 재 보 살 행 심 반 야
kwan ja jae bo sal haeng shim ban ya