Four Great Vows online class Master Page

This is a “master” page/post that should contain links to everything in this blog related to the online course: “The Four Vows in Chinese Characters”.

Course Overview:

Four Great Vows online class series (starting Saturday, November 5)

Lesson One:
This post (1) shows an outline of what was covered in the class, (2) has links to the detailed lesson plan used in the class, and (3) has a link to the youtube video of the class recording.

The Four Great Vows, Lesson One

Lesson Two:
This has a link to the youtube video of the class recording (from Dec 3, 2022), as well as to a supplementary video made after the class. There are also downloadable version of the slides for both the main class and the supplementary video.

The Four Great Vows, Lesson Two

Lesson Three:
This has a link to the youtube video of the class recording (from Jan 7, 2023), as well as to a supplementary video made after the class. There are also downloadable version of the slides for both the main class and the supplementary video.

Flash Cards (for all 90 characters covered in all four lessons):

Four Great Vows Flashcards (file for download) UPDATED Nov 19, 2022

Using Tuttle’s “First 100” and “Second 100” books to practice writing characters:

Four Great Vows: practice using Tuttle’s “First 100 Chinese Characters” and “Second 100 Chinese Characters”

More study and practice resources:

More resources for studying The Four Great Vows

Zhiyi and the Four Great Vows:

Zhiyi, the Lotus Sutra, and the Four Great Vows

Different translations
(This post has links to 21 different English translations of the Four Great Vows):

The Four Great Vows (四弘誓願)

Online classes main page (for all classes)

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