Removing All Karmic Obstacles
Monthly Medicine Buddha Sutra Recitation

On the first Saturday of each month we meet online to read the Medicine Buddha Sutra together.

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, November 2nd.
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no monthly Medicine Buddha practice in October!!

On the first Saturday of each month there will be two Medicine Buddha practice sessions each lasting a little under 2 hours. The first session starts at 3pm, and the second one starts at 6pm.

Everyone is welcome to join whichever is more convenient for their schedule (or both!). From 5pm to 6pm there will be a one hour "intermission" between the two practices. During that time there will also be an additional opportunity for Sutra recitation practice. A recording of the Diamond Sutra, chanted in Sino-Korea, will be played from 5:10pm to 5:45pm, with the words (spelled out phonetically for English speakers) displayed on the screen.

NEXT Online Medicine Buddha Practice Schedule, Saturday, November 2, 2024: All participants in the Medicine Buddha practice are encouraged to volunteer to take turns reading the Sutra (but this is not required).

For more information send an email to curt "at" k-dharma "dot" org.

The format of the monthly Medicine Buddha practice:
    ☸ Opening prayers
    ☸ Evening Bell Chant
    ☸ Homage to the Three Jewels
    ☸ Extend Life Ten Phrase Kannon Sutra (Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo)
    ☸ Heart Sutra (English and Korean)
    ☸ The Great Dharani
    ☸ Yaksa Yeorae Bul Chanting
    ☸ Reading the Medicine Buddha Sutra together
    ☸ Yakcha Daejang Chanting
    ☸ The 4 Great Vows and Sharing of Merit

☸ The English text of the Sutra that we use for this practice can be viewed and downloaded from here:
    Removing All Karmic Obstacles
☸ The full text of Kumarajiva's Chinese version of the Sutra is available online via the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association:
☸ Some useful youtube videos can be found here: Medicine Buddha Videos

To join the zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 853 4887 7421
Passcode: 180132

The dates and times for future monthly practice are:
November 2 3pm AND 6pm
December 7 3pm AND 6pm
January 4, 3pm AND 6pm
February 1 3pm AND 6pm
March 1 3pm AND 6pm
April 5 3pm AND 6pm
May 3 3pm AND 6pm