Category: chinese
The Four Great Vows, Lesson Two
Lesson One:
四 弘 誓 願
眾 生 無 邊 誓 願 度
煩 惱 無 盡 誓 願 斷
法 門 無 量 誓 願 學
佛 道 無 上 誓 願 成
The slides for the class are here (in Word and PDF format):
• Word: L2-revised-2
• PDF: L2-revised-2-pdf
Lotus Sutra at CBETA (妙法蓮華經)
世雄不可量, 諸天及世人,
一切眾生類, 無能知佛者。
佛力無所畏、 解脫諸三昧,
及佛諸餘法, 無能測量者。
慈眼視衆生 (see all sentient beings with the eye of compassion)
慈 cí compassion
眼 yǎn eye
視 shì see, look at
衆 zhòng everything, everyone
生 shēng birth, life
On Sects and Sectarianism in Chinese and Korean Buddhism
In dealing with East Asian Buddhism, Japanese and Westem scholars are
easily exposed to Japanese Buddhist sectarianism and western Christian sectarianism.
However, from the introduction of Buddhism to the period of Wonhyo, there are no
institutionalized sects that resemble Western religious sects or Japanese Buddhist sects.
For example, the scholars of the Chinese Huayan sect, actually established by Fazang,
do not have strong sectarianism, compared to Japanese Buddhist sectarianism and
western Christian sectarianism. The “Huayan sect” refers simply to the group of
scholars who are interested in Huayan Buddhism.
Four Great Vows in Hanja, Hangul, and romanized transliteration
衆 生 無 邊 誓 願 度
중 생 무 변 서 원 도
jung saeng mu byeon seo weon do
everything born without limit vow to liberate
學習要靠點點滴滴地積累 (learning is accomplished by the accumulation of bits and pieces)
點點滴滴 = diǎn diǎn dī dī = bits and pieces, bit by bit
Traditional Buddhist Chanting
Over a twelve month period, starting in March 2023, this course will cover the following six chants (we will spend two months on each chant):
Yebul / Homage to the Three Jewels
Heart Sutra
Great Dharani
Kwan Seum Bosal / Jijang Bosal
Master Uisang’s Song of Dharma Nature
The Jijang Bosal Book Club
The is the “Master” page for everything related to the “Jijang Bosal Book Club”. This reading/discussion group will meet twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays, starting at 7pm on March 14.
We will be reading and discussing four books related to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, known as Jijang Bosal to Korean Buddhists (and as Jizo in Japan and Dizang to Mandarin speakers).
人生而靜,天之性也 (from “The Book of Rites”)
Paraphrase: Humans are born with a peaceful, qentle nature. The nature of Heaven is also like this.