Baizhang’s Fox at CBETA

This is the short version from the Gateless Gate





不落不昧 兩采一賽 不昧不落

代一轉語貴 please give me one precious turning word
代 ?? (replace, take the place of, to act for, on behalf of)
一 one
轉 revolve, turn
語 word
貴 precious

One of the main reasons I wanted to track this down is to take a closer look at the question that is at heart of this story: 大修行底人還落因果. “Does a person of great accomplishment return to falling into cause and effect?” What is a “大修行底人”, and what does it mean to “還落因果”?

AND what the heck does 黃蘗便問。古人錯祇對一轉語。墮五百生野狐身。轉轉不錯。合作箇甚麼。mean?

黃蘗便問 Huangbo asked

古人 old man
錯祇 mistake
對一轉語 ???

墮 fall
五百生 500 lifetimes
野狐身 wild fox body

轉轉 revovle revolve (how might things have turned out?)
不錯 not made a mistake?

AND, what the heck does “胡鬚赤. 更有赤鬚胡” mean?
胡 barbarian
鬚 beard
赤 red
更 change, replace, take turns
有 exist, there is
赤 red
鬚 beard
胡 barbarian

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