“A Step-by-Step Teaching for Understanding Dhyāna-pāramitā” 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門 (T 1916) by Zhiyi is the earliest known text to have the wording of the Four Great Vows as we know them. Unfortunately, this work has not been translated into English.
Author: daosheng
Jewel Mirror Samadhi Translation Study (寶鏡三昧歌)
From the commentary to Case 6 of the Book of
Serenity: “The Great Master Nagarjuna said, ‘Wisdom is
like a mass of fire – it cannot be entered from any side.
Yet he also said,‘Wisdom is like a clear cool pool, it
an be entered from any side.’
念彼觀音力 (nen pi kan-non riki)
Sino-Japanese: nen pi kan-non riki (ねん ぴ かん おん りき)
Sino-Korean: yeom pi gwan eum ryeok (염 피 관 음 력)
Watson translation:
Think on the power of that Perceiver of Sounds
Kubo and Yuyuma translation:
If you contemplate the power of Avalokitesvara
木鐸 moktak = wooden bell (not wooden fish)
mok tak
wood bell
“The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of the Auspicious Dharani of Blazing Light Awesome Virtue for Quelling Disasters”
Here is the original Chinese for the Sutra that contains the “Dhāraṇī Spoken by the Buddha to Avert Disasters and Bring Good Fortune” aka 佛說 消災 吉祥 陀羅尼, aka bulseol sojae gilsang darani.
“The great ghost of impermanence can come to one at any time.” (無 常大 鬼不期而到。)
無 mu (무); to be without, no, not, nothing
常 sang (상); always, constant, forever, invariable
大 dae (대); great
鬼 gwi (귀); ghost, spirit
不 bul (불); not
期 gi (기); period of time
不期 = unexpected
而 i (이); and
到 do (도); arrive