This one is by Geumgang Seunim doing the chant one time. The pronunciation is a little clearer than in the one where she recites it 21 times (see below): Geumgang Seunim again, reciting it 21 times: A very clear recording from Dongbong Seunim (apparently this is from “Standard Buddihist Chant Song Collection Album […]
Author: daosheng
금강스님 (Geum Gang Seunim)
降魔眞言, 항마진언, hangma jineon, vanquish demons mantra
옴 소마니 소마니 훔 하리한나 하리한나 훔 하리한나 바나야 훔 아나야 혹 바아밤 바아라 훔바탁
[om somani somani hum harihanna harihanna hum harihanna banaya hum anaya hok ba-a-bam ba-a-ra hum ba tak
The Diamond Sutra gets the Imee Ooi treatment
Not surprisingly, it takes about twice as long to do it Imee Ooi style.
The Diamond Sutra Gatha
il che yu ui beop
yeo mong huan po yeong
yeo ro yeok yeo jeon
eung jak yeo shi guan
Diamond Sutra resources
Including (but not limited to) links to English translations by Thich Nhat Hanh, Burton Watson, Hsuan Hua, etc.
“Mantras cannot be translated casually.” (咒语不能随便翻译)
咒语不能随便翻译 咒 mantra 语 speech (語) 咒语 = incantation, mantra, spell, curse 不 = not 能 = able 随便 = casual, informal 翻译 = translate In traditional characters: 咒語不能隨便翻譯 Found here:唵伽啰帝耶娑婆诃是什么咒和功德什么呢?&from=qb&samplow_val=-1
“And chanted but once, ‘Homage to the Buddha!'” (from the Lotus Sutra)
Those who, even with distracted minds,
Entered a stupa compound
And chanted but once, “Homage to the Buddha!”
Have certainly attained the path of the buddhas.
The Diamond Sutra at CBETA (Yi Jing, Dharmagupta, Paramartha, Kumarajiva)
The teaching given by Shakyamuni Buddha in the Diamond Sutra comes in response to a question from Subhuti: how should Bodhisattvas tame their minds?
But what is the actual wording in the original Chinese for this phrase “tame the mind”?
Sino-Korean Diamond Sutra
Diamond Sutra in Hangeul:한글-금강경/ With both Hangeul and Hanja, Chapters 1-15: With both Hangeul and Hanja, Chapters 16-32: The Diamond Sutra chanted in Sino-Korean (both the Hanja and Hangeul are displayed): An here’s one by Geumgang Seunim: