Different recordings of Master Uisang’s Song of Dharma Nature

This one is by Geumgang Seunim doing the chant one time. The pronunciation is a little clearer than in the one where she recites it 21 times (see below): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN-DUdUSCVA Geumgang Seunim again, reciting it 21 times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n42qv8Whz-M A very clear recording from Dongbong Seunim (apparently this is from “Standard Buddihist Chant Song Collection Album […]

금강스님 (Geum Gang Seunim)

降魔眞言, 항마진언, hangma jineon, vanquish demons mantra
옴 소마니 소마니 훔 하리한나 하리한나 훔 하리한나 바나야 훔 아나야 혹 바아밤 바아라 훔바탁
[om somani somani hum harihanna harihanna hum harihanna banaya hum anaya hok ba-a-bam ba-a-ra hum ba tak

Sino-Korean Diamond Sutra

Diamond Sutra in Hangeul: http://kr.buddhism.org/한글-금강경/ With both Hangeul and Hanja, Chapters 1-15: http://www.buljahome.com/amsong_dia/song_file.htm With both Hangeul and Hanja, Chapters 16-32: http://www.buljahome.com/amsong_dia/song_file2.htm The Diamond Sutra chanted in Sino-Korean (both the Hanja and Hangeul are displayed): An here’s one by Geumgang Seunim: