竭盡神通獲得渠 心強力壯卒難除
有時纔到高原上 又入烟雲深處居
Catching the Ox
He expends all strength to take the ox. But willful and strong, it won’t soon be broken.
As soon as he gains the high ground, it vanishes once more deep into the mist.
[Translation by Victor Sogen Hori: https://terebess.hu/english/oxherd31.html]
竭 jié exhaust; use up
盡 jìn end; finish; use up
竭盡 exhausted
神 divine
通 tōng pass through; expert; know well
神通 = Abhijñā (अभिज्ञा) direct knowledge; higher knowledge
獲 huò catch; obtain; receive
得 obtain; attain
獲得 acquire; get; obtain
渠 big; huge; he/she/it; ditch or canal made of wood
心 mind
強 strong
力 strength
壯 strong; robust; strengthen
卒 servant; soldier
難 difficult
除 get rid of; exclude; to free; to rescind (an agreement)
有 have
時 time/when
有時 sometimes; at times; now and then
纔 talent; ability; cunning
到 to go; arrive
高 high; tall
原 source; origin
高原 plateau
上 up; above
又 again; also
入 enter
烟 smoke
雲 cloud; many; numerous
深 far
處 to dwell in; remain
居 dwell; reside; occupy