“transcendent reality is filled with light and bliss” (Linda Johnsen on Dolpopa and Zhentong)

In 2015 Linda Johnsen (author of the excellent Complete Idiot’s Guide to Hinduism) wrote a fascinating article for the Yoga Intenational website: “Empty or Full? An Ancient Master Reclaims Buddha’s Teachings”. The “Ancient Master” in question is none other than good old Dolpopa.

Here’s a taste:

It is impossible to ignore the similarities between Dolpopa’s teachings about the light of the Self and the Vedic tradition. If Dolpopa is representing the Buddha authentically this shouldn’t be surprising, since after all Buddha was raised in the Vedic tradition and trained in yoga. Buddha rejected the authority of the priests and declined to worship deities, but almost everything he taught had obvious parallels in Vedic thought and practice. The Vedic tradition also taught that we are “no soul”—not a limited soul, but infinite spirit—and Buddhist yogic practices were for the most part identical to those of the greater Indian tradition.

Read the whole thing here:

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