一切有爲法 일체유위법
如夢幻泡影 여몽환포영
如露亦如電 여로역여전
應作如是觀 응작여시관
all (一切) impermanent (有爲) dharmas (法)
like (如) dream (夢) phantom (幻) bubble (泡) shadow (影)
like (如) dew (露) also (亦) like (如) lightning (電)
should (應) constructed (作) like (如) this (是) perceive (觀)
il che yu ui beop
yeo mong huan po yeong
yeo ro yeok yeo jeon
eung jak yeo shi guan
Notes from DDB on 有爲 & 作:
- From Digital Dictionary of Buddhism on 有爲:
Compounded, created, caused, active, changing, phenomenal, the processes resulting from the laws of karma 有作. Opposite of ‘unconditioned’ 無爲. The three compounded phenomena 三有爲法 are material 色法, or things which have form, mental, 心法 and neither the one nor the other 非色非心法. The four characteristic marks of conditioned factors 四有爲相 are coming into existence, abiding, changing, and ceasing 生住異滅; they are also spoken of as threefold, the two middle terms being treated as having similar meaning, as in the compound sthityanyathātva, translated as “change in continuance” by Dessein (2011). The different enumerations of three or four characteristic marks of the conditioned derive from different ways of parsing this compound. The verse found in the Abhidharmakośa 2.45cd (Pradhan 1967, 75) speaks of “change in impermanence” 住異 (sthityanyathātva), which appears to support the view that there exist four marks of conditioned factors, as ‘change’ (Skt. anyathātva) is another word for the third mark. Some parse this compound as a coordinative compound 相違釋, meaning ‘change-and-continuance,’ and hence take there to exist four marks, while others parse it as a dependent compound 依主釋, hence, the translation as ‘change-in-continuance’ and the view that there exist only three marks. (Skt. saṃskṛta, abhisaṃskṛta, abhisaṃskṛta, ābhisaṃskārika, saṃskāra, saṃskāra-gata, saṃskṛtatva, saṃskṛta-dharma, saṃskṛta-lakṣaṇa, saṃskṛtādharmāḥ; Pāli saṃkhata; Tib. ‘dus byas, ‘dus byas pa). 〔大般若波羅蜜多經 T 220.6.2a18〕
(also: http://www.buddhism-dict.net/cgi-bin/xpr-ddb.pl?q=有爲法) - From From Digital Dictionary of Buddhism on 作:
That which has been made, formed or created, especially from conditions (Skt. krtā-katva, krtā). That (esp. afflictions), which is created from discrimination, as opposed to that which is spontaneously 任運 or innately arisen 倶生. 〔二障義 HBJ 1.801c22〕 [Charles Muller]
Also note:
The phrase 乃至四句偈等 appears four times in the Diamond Sutra. It means “even just a four line gatha”.
乃至 = even (just)
四句偈 = four line gatha
等 = indicates end of enumeration
Also: Six Similes, or Ten?
There are six similes for conditioned phenomena in Kumarajiva’s version:
dream (夢), phantom (幻), bubble (泡), shadow (影), dew (露), lightning (電)
Yi Jing includes four more (also found in the Tibetan version):
星 (star), 翳 (cataract), 燈 (lamp), 雲 (cloud)
Like so: